Earn "Sunny Points" rewards with a SUNHATS account!
Already have an account with us? If you have created an account with our store already, please follow the prompts to JOIN THE SUNNY POINTS loyalty program which you can find at the bottom left of our website. Purchases made from this point will earn you Sunny Points which you can redeem on future purchases.
No account yet? If you have not created a SUNHATS account, please do so by joining the SUNNY POINTS program at the bottom left of our website. You will instantly earn 500 points when you create your account! 500 Sunny Points = R50 Reward.
When will I see my points reflecting? If you have just created your account for the first time via the loyalty program, you will see your "created account" points earned (500 points). However, points earned from purchases via your account/the loyalty program will only be allocated to your account after 30 DAYS. Why? This is our standard return policy. After 30 days, the points earned from that purchase will be awarded to you.
Check my balance: You can see your account balance by logging in at the bottom left of our website. Here you can also choose to redeem your points via a unique coupon code. Please contact us via email for more info.
Please note: Applying a coupon/discount code when we are already running another code because of a sale or special offer will not work, as only 1 code can be used in the system at any one time at checkout. If we have a code already activated, your Sunny Points Rewards cannot be used. How do you know if we have a code activated? You'll see it display in your cart.